Professional Russian Translation

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Professional Russian Translation

May 20, 2018

By Ofer Tirosh

A recent client in the retail sector engaged Tomedes’ professional translation service in order to convert his website from Russian to US English. With a 24/7 global translation service at our fingertips, we were delighted to be able to assist. 

The Tomedes team works hard to maintain a network of translators around the world. This includes Russian language professionals with a wide range of experience, from business translation to legal translation. Given the nature of this client’s work, we selected a translator with both business and marketing translation experience. 

The client’s website had been written to appeal to Russian shoppers. Now, the company’s owner was expanding into selling his goods overseas and needed an English language version. Our translator got to work straight away, working methodically through the site’s many product descriptions before tackling the ancillary pages (about us, terms and conditions, contact us and so forth). The translation also included the transactional texts associated with making a purchase on the site. 

The client was thrilled with the speed at which the translation of his website progressed. As requested, the completed copy was sent to him page by page, so that he could begin to build the English version of his site while the translation was underway. Tomedes translators always seek to meet clients’ needs in this way, so that the client is at the heart of the translation experience. 

The whole site was translated in good time and to a superb quality, leaving the client satisfied with a job well done. 

For all of your business translation needs, Tomedes is here to help. We work with clients around the world to help them meet their business objectives in whichever languages they need. Our translations are accurate, timely and excellent value for money. Contact the Tomedes team today and find out for yourself. 

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