Professional Mandarin Translation

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Professional Mandarin Translation

July 30, 2017

By Ofer Tirosh

When it comes to professional translation, Tomedes is proud to serve clients around the world. We have spent years building up a network of more than 5,000 professional translators, who are based around the globe. This enables us not only to respond quickly to translation requests, but also to match clients’ particular requirements with the skills and experience of our translators. 

For example, when a recent client in Shanghai approached our translation company regarding translation for his clothing business, we were delighted to be able to help. We set our leading Mandarin to English translator to work immediately. 

The client’s translation needs including both clothing labels and marketing copy – very different but equally important styles of translation. While label translation is more literal, marketing translation requires a more creative approach, to ensure that the translated copy not only conveys the same information as the original but also evokes the same feelings in those who read it. 

Our Chinese translation expert worked diligently through the client’s documents, completing the labels first, in line with the client’s wishes. She then tackled the marketing copy, working to deliver the messages to an English-speaking audience in a way that honoured the original material while also ensuring cultural adjustment. 

Localization services of this nature are an important method of crossing cultural boundaries when it comes to translation. Often, converting the text alone is not enough – a localization expert can help to ensure that the translated material speaks to the new audience in the way that it was intended, despite cultural differences. This is particularly important when it comes to marketing materials, as poor localization can have a direct impact on sales. 

The client was delighted both with the quality of the translation and with the translation cost. He is happily planning to use Tomedes again for his next translation job. 

For all of your translation requirements, speak to Tomedes today. We look forward to helping.

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