English to Turkish Legal Document Translation

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English to Turkish Legal Document Translation

July 11, 2014

By Ofer Tirosh

Running an international company can be a complex business, as Tomedes knows based on the English to Turkish legal document translation we completed recently. 

With board members from both England and Turkey, the client’s company has recently expanded its operations to Turkey as well (they had previously been restricted to England). This change in service delivery required a hefty bundle of legal paperwork to be completed and then translated into Turkish. 

The client was anxious about what the translation might cost him, but Tomedes’ innovative business model means that we can charge extremely competitive prices for the work we undertake. The client was pleasantly surprised by our rate and appointed us immediately to undertake the translation for him.

We completed the translation and presented the Turkish version of the documents to the client within the week. He was delighted with Tomedes’ speed and efficiency, having expected the work to take much longer. He was also extremely pleased with the quality of the translation, which was worlds away from the results of his occasional tinkering with online machine translation services. This is why Tomedes insists on using professional human translators and proofreaders for every job – it’s how we ensure we produce top quality translations every time

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