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December 18, 2013

By Ofer Tirosh

The translation of marketing materials is one of the most popular requests that Tomedes receives, such as the recent English to Spanish marketing document translation that we were asked to undertake. With a global marketplace meaning that businesses can operate in multiple countries, it is essential that companies have a reliable, professional translation service to hand – and this is where Tomedes comes in

As two of the top three most spoken languages in the world, translation from English to Spanish and vice versa are often needed. We have a huge bank of translators for this language pairing and for this particular marketing job we turned to one of our translators based in Madrid. He specialises in marketing documents, having spent several years of his career in the public relations world, prior to becoming a professional translator.  

It was a short document and our translator was able to return the completed material within just one day. After going through our rigorous quality checking process, the Spanish version of the marketing document was sent back to the client. 

The client was happy to have received the translation so quickly and at such an affordable price. She has already assigned three more translation jobs to us based on this initial success and we look forward to a long and productive working relationship with her over the years ahead. 

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