Business website translation

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Business website translation

May 07, 2017

By Ofer Tirosh

Website translation can be a quick win for businesses looking to reach out to new customers overseas. These days, as the world seems every smaller, more and more companies are opting to translate their websites, making them available in multiple languages in order to maximise their impact. 

The was precisely the thinking of a recent Tomedes client. He was looking for the professional human translation of his website from English to simplified Chinese. Human translation is superior to machine translation, producing better quality texts. That’s why many businesses insist on avoiding machine translation, preferring to opt for the services of professionally qualified linguists, rather than risk their reputation on a poorly worded, machine produced translation. 

This client approached Tomedes through our website, using our online chat service to discuss his needs with our customer support team. He also used our online quote service in order to find out how much his translation would cost. We’ve found this to be a really popular tool with our clients, as they can obtain an indicative cost for their translation within moments. Some other companies take hours or even days to provide a quote!

This client was keen to go ahead with his website translation as quickly as possible. He engaged our urgent translation service in order to achieve the fastest possible results. Our translator lost no time, converting the entire website from English into flawless simplified Chinese. She even helped the client by spotting a couple of typos on the English version of his website. 

The Chinese translation was first class. The client was absolutely delighted to receive it so quickly. Having seen how easy and cost effective the whole translation process was, he is now considering which additional languages to present his website in. 

If you have a website or business document that needs translating, contact the Tomedes team

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