English to Romanian financial app translation

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English to Romanian financial app translation

March 10, 2019

By Ofer Tirosh

Both financial translation and app translation are detailed, technical tasks that require a thorough understanding of the subject in question, as well as the ability to speak two languages fluently. Financial app translation, therefore, is not for the faint of heart! Thankfully, Tomedes has spent more than a decade building up a global network of highly skilled translation professionals, so when it comes to financial app translation, we’ve got the right expertise on hand, no matter which language pairing the client is after. 

Most recently, a client called on our Romanian translation skills for his financial app translation. He was keen to move his app development project to the next stage, so we lost no time in putting our expert Romanian translator to work. 

This was an interesting and involved project, where our translator worked very closely with the client in order to ensure that the Romanian version of his app perfectly mirrored the English version, as well as being suited to the expectations of Romanian users. This localization element of the service is how app developers can ensure that their products have the maximum possible chance of success in the target country. 

The localization service identifies any aspects of the app where translation alone might not work, whether for practical reasons (such as the format of measurements) or for cultural reasons (where something won’t quite sit right with the new audience due to differing cultural norms). 

The client was delighted with the careful and thorough approach of the Tomedes translation team. The result was a superb Romanian translation of his financial app – just what he needed to reach out to new audiences overseas. 

Whether you have an app that needs translating or just an old-fashioned text file, Tomedes can help. Our team covers more than 90 language pairings, as well as a wide range of specialist subjects. 

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