English to German translation

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English to German translation

October 12, 2016

By Ofer Tirosh

A new client recently approached Tomedes after having used the instant quote function on our website. He was in the late stages of developing a cooking-related iPhone app in his native English and was keen to launch it to the German market at the same time as the English one. He had been pleasantly surprised by the great value for money offered by Tomedes and contacted us through our webchat service in order to take forward the project. 

App translation is a rapidly growing sector. Developers are keen to maximise returns on their apps rather than limiting them to a single-language marketplace. The cost of a single translation can massively increase the number of people who are able to understand and use an app, making it an attractive way for developers to cover the cost of producing the app and boost their profits. 

This client was close to finishing his app and had the final version of all the text that it contained ready to translate. This meant that while he was completing the final technical tweaks, Tomedes’ professional human translators were able to get to work on producing the German version of the app. The client also asked for the description for Apple’s app store to be translated from English to German. 

As the client had a deadline in mind for the launch of his app, time was of the essence. As such, we assigned two of our leading German translators, who had often shared large translation jobs previously, to this work. We knew from past experience that they would liaise closely over terminology, ensuring that the translation was perfectly consistent throughout and that the client would be able to receive it in half the time it would otherwise take thanks to their working as a team. 

The client was thrilled with the speed at which progress was made and with the quality of the translation. He was able to stop stressing about getting his app translated and instead focus on the technical side of things. This enabled him to complete his work in line with his original deadline. 

Tomedes works with clients on all manner of business ventures to support them to achieve their goals. Contact us today to find out what professional translation can do for your company. 

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