Arabic to English CV and online profile translation

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Arabic to English CV and online profile translation

March 13, 2019

By Ofer Tirosh

These days, the ability to look for work online means that job hunting has taken on a new dimension. Job hunters still opt for CVs, but many also use an online profile as well. This was the case with a recent Tomedes client, who asked for both his CV and online profile to be translated from Arabic to English. 

Many of those who seek employment that means using their second (if not third) language as part of their role have the ability to speak confidently in that language. However, we find that written language skills sometimes lag behind oral ones. As such, resume translation provides a much needed ‘foot in the door’ for those seeking work in another language. 

This was precisely the case for this client. He presented well in his native Arabic and also in English when he spoke it, but he wasn’t entirely confident that his written English skills were up to creating a flawless CV. As such, Tomedes supported him with the translation of his CV and online resume. 

Our Arabic to English translator got to work straight away. She translated quickly and efficiently, producing an accurate English CV translation and then moving on to the online profile. The client was delighted with the speed of her work, as well as with the high quality resume documents that it resulted in. He now has the tools he needs in order to seek the jobs that he wants – and all for a great translation price. Another happy Tomedes customer!

For all of your translation needs, Tomedes is here to help. We work on a vast range of documents, from single-page files to weighty tomes. Our skilled translators also specialise in audio and video translation, so whatever you need, we can find the right person for the job. Speak to our friendly team for further details. 

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