Swedish to English scientific translation

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Swedish to English scientific translation

January 20, 2019

By Ofer Tirosh

Technical and scientific translations require a particular level of skill and attention to detail, as well as sector-specific knowledge. Such expertise has to be combined with outstanding linguistic skill in order to produce the accurate translations that make it past Tomedes’ quality assurance checks. 

A recent client approached Tomedes as he needed a scientific report translated from Swedish to English. We were happy to be able to help and sought out one of our leading Swedish to English translators, matching his translation experience to the job at hand. Pairing our translators’ experience with our clients’ projects in this way is one of several ways in which we ensure accurate translations. 

Another is to use native speakers of the target language whenever possible. In this case, that meant using one of our translators in the US – a bilingual individual with a keen interest in translating scientific and technical topics. 

Having paired our translator with the perfect job, the scene was set for a flawless translation – and that was precisely what we delivered. The report was translated on time and within the client’s budget. Naturally, he was pleased on both counts! He was also pleased with the high quality of the translation, as while he didn’t speak English well enough to write a professional document in it (hence him engaging Tomedes to undertake his translation), he had sufficient grasp of the language to recognise how well worded the translation was. 

From scientific and technical document translations to marketing and website translation and localization projects, Tomedes is delighting clients around the globe. If you would like to join our ranks of happy clients, simply call, email or live chat with us to get started. You can also obtain an instant quote from our website in order to find out an indicative cost for your translation project at once. 

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