Last translation projects

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95,000 Business Customers
Video Translation Services

September 04, 2016

A new client put Tomedes to the test this week when she asked us to turn around her English to Slovenian subtitles translation job in just 48 hours

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Localization and Desktop Publishing Services

August 31, 2016

A new client recently approached Tomedes looking for the translation of several of her company's IT documents from English to Russian

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Japanese Translation Services by our Network of Professional Business Translators

August 28, 2016

A client whose website we had already translated to Japanese came back for more, asking us to translate his sales brochure as well

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Tongan Translation Services

August 24, 2016

A Tomedes client required his marketing brochure to be available in Tongan and we were only too happy to help

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Professional Finnish Translation Services by our Expert Translators

August 21, 2016

A Tomedes client recently used us to provide Finnish to English translation services to help her purchase a second home

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Turkmen Translation Services by our Professional Translators

August 17, 2016

A new client recently challenged Tomedes to take on an extensive IT translation for her company. We were delighted to accepted her challenge!

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Business Translation Services by our Network of German Translators

August 14, 2016

Tomedes helped a client make a positive first impression by translating his business documents from English to German

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Japanese Business Translation

August 10, 2016

A new client recently approached Tomedes with a request for an urgent translation job: the translation of his business cards to Japanese

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French Resume and CV translation Services

August 07, 2016

A client was looking for work in France but struggling with the French CV translation required. We were delighted to be able to help

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Fast and Accurate Legal Translation Services by our Professional Spanish Translators

August 03, 2016

Tomedes recently provided a client with a legal translator to assist with Spanish to English translation as part of a court case

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