Last translation projects

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95,000 Business Customers
English to Arabic literary translation

January 08, 2017

Tomedes was delighted to be asked to undertake an English to Arabic literary translation for a new client.

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English to Thai corporate document translation

January 04, 2017

A client engaged Tomedes to aid communication between her company and a freelance designer based in Thailand

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Technical translation from English to Greek

January 01, 2017

A regular Tomedes client recently approached us when he needed his technical document from English to Greek.

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English to Irish Gaelic marketing document translation

December 28, 2016

Tomedes was recently asked to translate a marketing document from English to Irish. The languages are very different, both in written form and syntax.

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Corporate translation from English to Oriya

December 25, 2016

When a client asked us to translate her corporate documents from English to Oriya, we knew we had the perfect translator for the job.

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Greek to English business translation

December 21, 2016

A new client recently asked Tomedes to support him with the translation of a set of business documents from Greek to English.

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English to Arabic website translation

December 18, 2016

A recent client of Tomedes asked for his website to be translated from English to Arabic to broaden his customer base and maximise profits.

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English to Mandarin app translation

December 14, 2016

A young app developer recently asked Tomedes to translate his app from English to Mandarin

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Romanian to English audio translation

December 11, 2016

For our most recent client, meeting her needs meant translating several hours of audio recording from Romanian to English

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English to Punjabi advertising translation

December 07, 2016

A recent Tomedes client asked for his recruitment advert to be translated from English to Punjabi so that he could recruit the ideal staff team

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